Change Your Windows 7 Login Screen

Changing a wallpaper is an easy task to perform and we do generally keep on changing it again and again, but when it comes to changing a Logon Screen then it becomes a problem, but it get easy with a tool named as Easy login Changer.


This tool is very simple to work on, you can see that this tool has got only three buttons over

its application window. You will just have to locate the file over your system and then it will change the Login Screen to the image specified by you. Now you will see that it has also got a checkbox, which can be used to integrate it in the context menu of the Desktop.
Now when you want to launch this tool then you will not have to locate it again and again to a folder and you will also not have to create the desktop shortcut, you will just have to right click on the desktop and then you will find the option as mentioned in the snapshot below. After making the changes the system, just restart the system and then you will see a different Login Screen. Let me tell you that it will not show any changes without a restart.

The size of the tool is around 700 KB and it is portable. The tool has been checked with Windows 7 32-bit Ultimate edition, so please let us know if you face any issue while using it.

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